Methods of Marketing Your Business

Advertising is to business what protein is to the body. For the body to be well nourished and grow at a proper pace, the quantity and type of protein should be uniformly distributed over a period of time. In the same way, for a business to expand and flourish, it is imperative that advertising be executed in the right way. It’s the formula that helps a business grow into an industry with huge potential, but can also be catastrophic if left rampant. A developing enterprise needs to be promoted from time to time; it is a continuous process and requires constant scrutiny.

Remember, there is no such thing as too much advertising. Names like Oppo, Vivo, car transportation services like Ola and Uber, not to mention the indigenous brand Patanjali have gained popularity within a short span of time. Choosing appropriate medium to promote your trade is another sphere where you need to tread carefully. The advertising industry has grown from traditional methods like print media to the non-conventional, creative guerrilla marketing, which may include branded giveaways like t-shirts and pens.

Raising an operation from scraps is no mean task. In order to carry the word out far, it is preferable to opt for promoting through online approaches. Every other person is active on social media and is much more likely to come across the information you put out. Online methods are also relatively cheaper and soak up less energy and time. But one thing to be kept in mind is cheaper promotion isn’t the same as effective promotion. Though television and radio cannot hold a candle to internet if we feature in the speed of advertising, it would be unfair not to mention that television beats the internet when it comes to attracting a larger crowd. But then again, a larger crowd does not equal a larger target audience.

There are many aspects to be taken into account before launching into advertisements. Online promotion should be fun and interactive, that is the benefit it has over traditional methods. Instead of a one way communication, this accommodates a true attempt at interaction. Online Marketing also includes videos and speaks to a more targeted public. Movie teasers and trailers get more than a million hits within a few days of their release. This shows how effective the combination of videos and social media can be.

In order to promote small businesses, business cards are the easiest and cheapest way. Good old print media works just as well- pamphlets, flyers, billboards, newsletters. Local brands can also send out product samples to strengthen their image. Cold calling is one of the earliest ways of promulgation known to man. Sponsorship is another age old method that works at all levels. A latest example is Oppo sponsoring the ICC Champions Trophy 2017.

There is no need to choose between online and offline marketing strategies. It is better to use both mediums for the promotion of your business, depending upon what sources are at your command. New practices are going for the obvious option these days- combining offline and online techniques to produce effective publicity so as to catch the eye of the target audience.

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