How Apple is Developing Breakthrough Technology to Transform Health Industry

Apple has been making heads turn with its healthcare targets and we have been told the same by the increasing number of medical professionals in the staff. Hiring more than 40-50 doctors in the last few years, the majority of them haven’t disclosed anything about their positions in the company. But according to insiders, they are working in developing the strategy to soar ahead in the healthcare industry. From building medical apps, Apple could also be formulating platform designs that would be able to help people with serious medical issues and manage their health.

According to CNBC, Apple is in a partnership with medical manufacturer Zimmer Biomet to help patients recover from knee and hip replacement surgery. While other doctors are working for Apple Watch, there has been a number of integrated health sensors and tools – including the recently launched the electrocardiogram (ECG) feature.

While launching the ECG feature, it also published a webpage that looked forward to answering doctors’ questions, on which Apple declared that the doctors are practicing medicine while working with them. Now that can be of help to those who are looking for the latest trends in the healthcare industry. While there have been a few other signs that Apple has been teaming up its health and wellness efforts over the last few years, it is also developing first-party developer platforms aimed at revolutionizing the chronic patient care and medical research projects.

Also, Apple has also teamed up with Stanford University to launch the Apple Heart Study – a one-of-a-kind research endeavor to understand whether the Apple Watch can detect atrial fibrillation – an irregular, often rapid heart rate that commonly causes poor blood flow.

For the consumers, one of the most obvious benefits of the recent hires is better than health technology and having doctors on staff that would certainly help guide the company on its mission to transform the health technology.

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