Top 5 Ad Network for Publishers

In general sense when one speaks of online digital advertisements, Google Adsense invariably pops up in mind. So much so that people don’t even consider looking for any alternatives. While undoubtedly Google Adsense is widely used and most popular, there are other players too who might just suit to what you’re looking for.

Google AdSense

It is the largest and the most popular ad publishing network worldwide. The user is offered a two-way deal- as a publisher, the other as an advertiser. It is preferred by large publishers roping in a lot of traffic. It also benefits the publisher by inviting in more traffic. AdSense works two ways for making money- pay-per-click and pay-per-impression. But anyone who dreams of becoming rich through Google AdSense instantly is wrong. The reason is that it works mostly on a CPC basis. The revenue generated initially is extremely low. But once it picks up, it keeps rising. One reason small scale businesses tend not to opt for this is that getting approval is hard. Also, it doesn’t support PayPal, and uses wire for monetary transfers.


It is probably the best alternative for Google AdSense. Mainly known for in-text advertising, Infolinks is a good way to monetize your blog or website. Unlike AdSense, it is easy to setup and includes PayPal. Another merit is that it can run with AdSense without violating any of its policies. CPM system brings in a good source of revenue. Revenue can also be generated through an active affiliate referral system by referring a large publisher. Unlike Google AdSense, it does not use up much space. Infolinks is widely useful if your website gets European traffic, but comparatively less for Asian users.

Propeller Ads

It is also one of the largest and well-known ad networks. It offers a variety of options within a cheap budget. Popular for good quality ads provided to customers Propeller Ads works on a CPM basis which makes it a good alternative to AdSense. It also offers a larger variety of ad products and campaigns such as onclick pop-under ads and mobile ads. But a huge drawback is that it does not support PayPal. Like AdSense, large traffic is required for a better income.


Online advertising as well as mobile advertising is what makes Chitika popular. Like Infolinks, Chitika is also compatible with AdSense. It is known for its effective contextual advertising. One can gain easy approval and customise the ads accordingly. Another bonus is that it supports PayPal. However, it may become hard to earn revenue if your website does not get too much traffic from the US or Canada. Auto-sizing mobile ads make it much sought after in mobile phones, and the referral program is included as well.


Another network that receives much popularity worldwide. Revenuehits works on a CPA footing and converts traffic to generate revenue. While it comes nowhere as near as Google AdSense, it is still recognised as an expert in geo targeting. This unique feature of geo marketing leads to a difference in ads area-wise.

Before reaching out to these ad networks, it would do well for you to remember not to add too many advertisements on a single page. Keep the number less if article is short and increase it if longer. Using too many ads will annoy the reader and may affect the traffic in your blog. It is also vital to not click those on your website or blog. This may lead it to be disabled or banned. Selecting the right kind of ad to suit your website and content is very important. Lastly, patience is the key. It isn’t mandatory that if your website draws in a lot of visitors, it will generate a larger revenue; although substantial traffic does increase chances of better money-making.